Exhibition events at QUAD in Derby, from July to September 2019


19 July 2019

Exhibition events at QUAD in Derby, from July to September 2019

QUAD has a selection of events to tie in with its summer exhibitions. The events include Talks, Tours and Late-night openings, a Conspiracy Club also Instagram Live tours which can be followed online.

The events accompany three new exhibitions currently in QUAD. SEEK PRAY ADVANCE: Episode 3 – Operation Starlight is an exhibition by artist Megan Broadmeadow, which is based on real-life testimonies from those who have purportedly had encounters with beings from other worlds, dimensions and realms, across multiple periods in history.

In QUAD Extra Gallery Spaces, Made/Unmade is a group show of mixed-media works by East/West Midlands based artists in response to an open call that queried how we as a species affect the world around us, and how that world in turn affects us. Home-Grown 2019 showcases digital and traditional photography from Derby’s schools and young people, including local schools St Martins School, Horizons Sixth Form, St Clare’s School, Derby Moor Academy, Da Vinci Academy, The William Allitt School, plus work by #ThisIsDerby web Team.

Inspired by themes and ideas that can be found in Megan Broadmeadow’s exhibition Conspiracy Club are a series of discussion groups exploring conspiracy theories, new and old forms of spirituality, belief in the end of the world and all points in between. Led by Andrew F. Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Derby, Conspiracy Club takes place in QUAD on Wednesdays 24th July, 21st August and 18th September from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, the events are free and no prior knowledge is needed.

Artist Talks, Late Night, Instagram Live and Gallery Tours

Late Night Gallery Exhibition Tours take place on Thursday 25th July from 5:00pm, with QUAD Programme Assistant Laura O’Leary; with a guest speaker on 22nd August from 5:00pm and with QUAD Senior Curator Peter Bonnell on 26th September from 5:00pm. The Gallery is open until 9:00pm on the late nights and entrance is free.

For QUAD’s Instagram Live Tours, join the Instagram Live feature on the @derbyquad account to join our Tour of Made/Unmade, led by Laura O’Leary on Wednesday 7th August from 1:00pm to 1:30pm. An Instagram Live Tour of SEEK PRAY ADVANCE led by Peter Bonnell will be live on Wednesday 4th September from 1:00pm to 1:30pm.

Artist Megan Broadmeadow will lead an Artist Talk to discuss her work SEEK PRAY ADVANCE in QUAD Gallery on Monday 19th August from 7:00pm, the event is free. Finally, Laura O’Leary will lead a free Gallery Tour of SEEK PRAY ADVANCE followed by a tour of Made/Unmade on Saturday 28th September from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. SEEK PRAY ADVANCE: Episode 3 – Operation Starlight, Made/Unmade and Home-Grown are on display in QUAD until 29th September 2019. The exhibitions are free to visit.

For more information, call QUAD on 01332 290606 or see:

QUAD is a registered charity.