How Me Make Meaning – Virtual Gallery Tour
How We Make Meaning features two solo but connected exhibitions by artists Memo Akten in QUAD Gallery one and Mimi Ọnụọha in QUAD Gallery two. Both artists explore aspects and the meanings of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – particularly in relation to the gathering and use of data, machine learning and how humans/machines input and interpret data and how they view the world in scientific, spiritual and deeply personal ways.
In QUAD Extra Gallery Spaces is Tom K Kemp’s exhibition Napoleon Complex that explores weather modelling algorithms used by global catastrophe insurance, speculating on the consequences of their creation at a series of different scales from the economic to the intimate. Also in the Extra Gallery Spaces is the QUAD Self-Portrait Online exhibition – a digital showcase of fifty-three self-portraits and printed works that asked participants to look inwards to themselves in light of the Covid pandemic.
Our exhibitions are not open at the moment but here is a 3D virtual tour produced by V21 Artspace so you can visit and explore the exhibitions virtually.
QUAD is a registered charity.