QUAD Gallery Instagram Takeover - Luba Elliott


14 December 2020

QUAD Gallery Instagram Takeover – Luba Elliott

QUAD is delighted to welcome Luba Elliott as she takes over QUAD Gallery’s Instagram page from the 14th to the 18th of December 2020. Luba will post images and text relating to her work, research, inspirations and ideas through the week, focussing on her vast knowledge of the use of AI in the creative industries.

Luba Elliott is a curator, producer and researcher specialising in artificial intelligence in the creative industries.  She is currently working to educate and engage the broader public about the latest developments in creative AI through talks, exhibitions and tech demonstrations at venues across the art, business and technology spectrum including The Photographers’ Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, ZKM Karlsruhe, Impakt Festival, The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, CogX, NeurIPS and ICCV.  Her recent projects include ART-AI Festival, the online gallery and NeurIPS Machine Learning for Creativity and Design Workshop. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence. Prior to that, she worked in start-ups, including the art collector database Larry’s List. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Modern Languages at the University of Cambridge and has a certificate in Design Thinking from the Hasso-Plattner-Institute D-school in Potsdam.

Find out more about Luba’s work here:

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