Each year we deliver more than 400 workshops and activities for children, young people and families, with over 6000 attendances. QUAD advocates for the arts to play a vital role in developing skills, knowledge and confidence, enabling diverse audiences and artists to respond to and influence the world around them with creativity and innovation.
What we do:
Why not come and see a film as part of your curricular studies or as an end of term treat or reward?
We have three cinema screens, with varying capacity (234, 118 and 60), so why not come and see a film as part of your curricular studies or as an end of term treat or reward?
Come and explore our gallery and exhibitions with your class!
We offer:
QUAD also produces a series of FREE teaching and learning resources for each exhibition to support you and your students to explore our Gallery and exhibition spaces. They are designed to provide starting points for discussion and activity, with reference to specific artworks from the current exhibition, and make links across the National Curriculum for for all key stages.
Derby: Our Place To Make Creative Futures.
QUAD is a key partner in Derby’s Cultural Education Partnership (DCEP), an initiative which has been developed in response to the Arts Council of England’s Cultural Education Challenge, launched in October 2015.
We are a close-knit and progressive city packed with cultural assets and learning opportunities. Together we work closely with our cultural partners and The Mighty Creatives, the East Midlands Bridge organisation, providing high-quality cultural experiences across our city.
The partnership is steered by Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations: Derby Theatre, QUAD, Déda, Derby Museums, Sinfonia ViVA, Baby People, Artcore and EMCCAN (East Midlands Caribbean Carnival Arts Network).
To find out more about DCEP see our film, produced by QUAD Young Advocates here
Get in touch with us using the form below. Alternatively, just send us an email at education@derbyquad.co.uk – We generally need about 6 weeks notice to organise a workshop
QUAD is a registered charity.