Join & Support

QUAD is a registered charity and not for profit organisation
We rely on the generous donations of the public and our funders to keep things ticking over. There are many ways to support us, from one-off donations to memberships and sponsorships.

We generate money from a wide range of sources including commercial activities such as the Cafe Bar and revenue funding from Arts Council England and Derby City Council. However, we are still reliant on fundraising activities to support our full programme.

Art And Film Has A Positive Impact On All Our Lives
Share The Inspiration
Support us to enable what we do
Major arts and cultural organisations in Derby have joined forces
Plus One provides children in care with opportunities to see and experience live performances, films, workshops, and a host of further arts and culture related opportunities, throughout the city and beyond. Your donation to Plus One makes a massive difference. Experiencing the arts can spark a life-changing journey for a young person in care.

Corporate Sponsorship

There are various opportunities for businesses to sponsor QUAD, including sponsorship of a space or room or sponsorship of an activity.

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Make A Donation

Any amount you can spare will help QUAD. Or why not purchase a plaque to name one of our cinema seats?

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QUAD is a registered charity.