In the wake of our referendum to decide whether the United Kingdom should remain or leave the European Union, a number of promises were broken, facts were ‘clarified’ and positions changed. On one hand, the figureheads of the Leave campaign fell away following their success, while on the other we’ve seen the UK economy show resilience, as officials begin to negotiate new trade deals around the world. A nation was divided as opinions formed, leading to a vote that has arguably changed the landscape of UK politics forever; post-Brexit result, voters have been witness to the lack of integrity from both Leave and Remain campaigns. Critical points that swayed the public to either side have dissolved, leading to greater uncertainty surrounding our nation’s future.
Three months on, the conversation is still raw. A second referendum has been suggested, and disparate factions continue to argue against the decision, and all the while MPs tackle the looming issue of when to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Dizzy Ink presents an exhibition reflecting on the time since the referendum. Hindsight is a beautiful thing: what opinions do the public now hold about the campaigns, the vote and the effect of the referendum, Three Months On?
Through a series of workshops, curated submissions from both voting demographics, and their own designs inspired by informal conversations, the walls of QUAD’s Extra Gallery Spaces will be an evolving entity, as submissions from around the Internet flow from an E-printer within the space. Contribute using Twitter handle, @ThreeMonthsOn.
Using a single-colour printing method associated with official political applications, named Risograph, as well as the powerful lobbying method of wheat pasting posters directly to a public wall, the space becomes a shared platform of opinion. Our collective aim is to have the space continuously develop over the duration of the exhibition as it perpetuates the debate.