This event has passed

22nd Mar - 19th Apr

Picturing Leicester

Venue: Outdoors, across Leicester City Centre

Since 2021, emerging artist Khatun has been working as a photographer in residence in her hometown of Leicester, collaborating with cultural partners and diverse communities to create a contemporary portrait of the High Streets Heritage Action Zones area of Church Gate and Granby Street.

For FORMAT24 Khatun’s portraits will be on display in various outdoor locations across Leicester City Centre.

The focus of the photographer-in-residence programme was to work with local communities, individuals and partners to reimagine the high street, producing images that have now become part of the Historic England archive. Over the past two-years Khatun has been working with local charity’s, community groups and the residents and shopkeepers of Leicester’s Church Gate and Granby Steet to find out why the high-street is important to them. Khatun has also been leading workshops, memory sharing sessions and photo walks to teach new skills and engage new audiences in the power of photography.

We would like to extend a special thank you to the following individuals and organisations for their support in the residency programme: LCB Depot, Leicester Council, Leicester HAZ, Jamila’s Legacy, Documentary Media Centre and Kavi Pujara.

Picturing Leicester is funded by Historic England and is part of the wider Picturing High Streets project, commissioned by Historic England and delivered by Photoworks as part of the High Streets Heritage Action Zone Cultural Programme.

Find out more about the Picturing High Streets project here.

Image Credit: Chinese Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic, Granby Street, by Khatun

QUAD is a registered charity.