Family Friendly events as part of FORMAT19


01 April 2019

Family Friendly events as part of FORMAT19

Family Friendly events as part of FORMAT19
FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby, 15th March – 14th April 2019

QUAD in Derby will be offering family friendly activities as part of FORMAT Photography Festival, which takes place in Derby in March and April.

Family Photo Remix is a chance to remix family photos past and present, cutting and mixing up the photographs into fun new images and sculptures – using photos provided or bring your own. The sessions will be influenced by the work of ‘cut-paper master’ Kensuke Koike, whose work is in QUAD Gallery as part of FORMAT Festival. Those taking part will have the opportunity to contribute to the FORMAT Participation Exhibition or make something to take home. Family Photo Remix is suitable for families with young people aged five and above, the FREE drop in sessions take place on Saturdays 30th March, 6th and 13th April from 10:30am to 1:00pm.

Photoshop Remix is also inspired by artist Kensuke Koike. Explore basic photoshop techniques to manipulate images and create digital collages with QUAD Digital Participation Curator John Whall. Photoshop Remix is suitable for families with young people aged five and above, the FREE drop in session takes place on Saturday 30th March at 2:00pm.

FORMAT Photo Walks are a chance for families to get tips on how to get the most of photo-taking while exploring the FORMAT exhibitions in this popular artist led tours. Cameras are available but need to be booked in advance. FORMAT Photo Walks are suitable for families with young people aged five and above, they are FREE and take place on Saturday 6th April from 1:30pm to 4:00pm starting from QUAD Participation Space.

#selfieschool with Olly Lang is a chance to join the award-winning mobile photographer Olly Lang exploring the selfie. Learn how to put the right context, composition and techniques to get the most out of your social media image. Shoot, edit, gain tips and tricks to elevate your selfie taking. #selfieschool with Olly Lang is suitable for those aged sixteen and above and takes place on Saturday 13th April from 2:00pm to 4:30pm. The cost is £10.00 per person and booking is essential.

MobFORMAT: Remix is a chance to join the FORMAT exhibitions with an online mass participation project. Each week participants will be presented with a new challenge around the FORMAT19 theme of Forever//Now. Each challenge will ask participants to rework, remake and remix existing images to share on Instagram @MOBFormat #mobformat19. Selected images will be then exhibited in QUAD’s Participation Space. MobFORMAT: Remix until 14th April. 

There are three exhibitions in QUAD as part of FORMAT19.
The UK premiere of new work by artist Kensuke Koike uses found photographs to produce intricate collage, installation and sculpture.  The artist has worked with photographs from Derby’s W. W. Winters archive for this new exhibition. 

Mutable, Multiple is an exhibition featuring six artists who use the narrative potential of photography, exploring narrative, history, memory and myth, looking at issues of entrapment and disappearance, fantasy and escape, exile and longing.

FORMAT Open Call presents the work of photographers and artists who have been selected via an international Open Call in response to the FORMAT19 festival theme FOREVER//NOW. The photographs include diverse approaches, such as colonialism, identity, censorship, resistance and the reuse of archives. 

All three exhibitions are free to visit and are in QUAD from 15th March to 9th June.

FORMAT International Photography Festival takes place in Derby from 15th March to 14th April, the programme includes exhibitions, talks, workshops and events in venues including QUAD, University of Derby, Derby Museum & Art Gallery, Déda, Derwent Valley World Heritage Sites, Market Place and satellite venues. 

The festival was established by QUAD in 2004 and is the UK’s leading festival of photography and related media, organised by QUAD and DMARC (Digital and Material Artistic Research Centre of the University of Derby). For the full programme of FORMAT19 exhibitions and events see 

QUAD is a registered charity.